Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tag! I'm It!

I got tagged by blogger bride BekaPaige at From Diamonds to Vows so here goes nothing!

4 Things I Did Today:
1. Worked my bum off on the Women's Health Beauty Life Expo!
2. Finished reading "The Secret Life of Bee's"
3. Worked on my new website.
4. Took a hot, hot bath!

4 Things On My To-Do list:
1. Book a time to tour two wedding venues this weekend.
2. Update guestlist
3. Try to find PJ's for Think Pink Cancer findraiser on Friday!
4. Fold laundry :( (don't really want to)

4 Of My Guiltiest Pleasures:
1. Gossip Girl
2. Wedding Blogs
3. Reeses
4. Expensive shoes

4 Random Facts About Me:
1. I have two little girls (who are the DIVAS)
2. I work for a group of radio stations and meet singers all the time (Jake Owen is my favorite by far, he is a nice piece of eye candy!)
3. I'm an insomniac (so not good for someone who has a long commute!)
4. I'm obsessed with Michael Kors!

Ok so I have to tag someone so here goes: Patty (Modkid), Megan (Brassy Apple), Heather (Heather Drive) & Megan (The Future Mrs. Price)

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