Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy Early 2009!

I know today is only New Year's Eve but I wanted to take a moment and say that 2008 bought so many good things and not so good things. But I look forward to 2009 and pushing even harder to acheive those goals that I went lazy on in 2008. I hope you all can sit back sometime today or tomorrow and write yourself a little note about what you really want to accomplish in 2009. Seal it and put it in a place where you won't be tempted to go in and change or tweak it. Put a reminder in your phone for January 31, 2010 labled note and the hiding place. Next year when you open that evelope see how well you did. I am doing this, and I'm so excited. So here goes my resolutions:

~Lose 30 lbs. (I know it's cliche but I really need to get in shape if I want to lose weight for my wedding. And I have a year and some change to do so.) Joining Weight Watchers {again!} January 5, 2009

~Relax more ( I am always moving and going, going, going) I need to slow down a little

~Get 7-8 hours of sleep at least 5 days out of the week (I am good to get 6 hours each night now :o)

~Spend more girly time with my girlies, they are too cute for words and they deserve a little more time with me

~Plan this wedding as budget friendly as possible

~Have 90% of my items on the wedding checklist done

~Have a getaway with my fiance

So here are my resolutions what are some of yours, and will you participate in the above challenge for yourself? Happy 2009 Ya'll!! Be Safe :o)


  1. Losing weight is definitely top of the list for me!!!! I think I enjoyed the holidays a little too much this year so 2009 will be my reality check! Happy New Years Eve!!!!

  2. I need to just tone up! I have no arm muscle whatsoever!!!

    Happy New years Eve :D See you on the other side ;)

  3. Hey Doll,

    Glad you like my blog. Happy New years and good luck on your resolutions.

  4. Girlfriend, I'm with ya with loosing 30lbs and partaking in a getaway with FI!! We sooo need that!

    Happy new year!!
