Monday, June 15, 2009

Rained Out & Break Out...Long Story!

As I mentioned last Thursday, Friday was the date for our e-pics. Well guess what? It didn't happen! First of all we had a chance for rain and we knew that. It's kind of been raining non-stop for the past 3 weeks or so. We also had to commute 2 hours to our locations and we had to keep in constant contact with our photographer to keep an eye on the weather. I took the day off work so that I could get everything done, like nails, hair, etc. I did get to sleep in thank goodness! I woke up, fixed breakfast and around 10am I started to get ready to go get my nails done. I started to put my make-up on a notice this silver dollar size dark circle on my left cheek. I screamed and said a few curse words and immediately washed my face because I thought it was the make-up. After washing my face a few times I noticed that it just wasn't going away. Like the girl that I am I started crying! My FH came ithe bathroom and asked what was the matter and he noticed it. He is so sweet because he hugged me and said it wasn't that noticeable (but believe me it was!). In the midst of my breakdown, my cell phone rings and it's the photographer telling me that its raining and if we wanted to take a chance or re-schedule. I told him my skin story and he said he would email me to reschedule. Turns our that the skin issue was from me using a different acne medication that my skin had a reaction to. UGH!!!!! So there you have it Friday was full of DRAMA but I did enjoy the rest of my day off and hope to reschedule very soon to take our pics. Thanks for listening!!! In the meantime here are some gorgeous e-shots by Scarlett Lillian, she rocks!


  1. Oh no! Well at least you are able to reschedule! It will go better the next time - hang in there!

    And those shots are lovely!

  2. Awww so sorry you had that reaction :( I think it was definitely best to reschedule! It will go so much better next time :)

  3. I'm sorry about the reaction but with this photographer I'm sure you will have amazing pictures in the end!

  4. I am sorry to hear that. But its good that you can reschdule!

  5. Glad you were able to get things rescheduled! I hope it all goes according to plan the second time around!

  6. OH NO!! Sorry you had to go through all the drama on your e-pics day :(

    I was actually thinking of you last week. I briefly read your older post about the Friday shoot. But, you know what, it's better anyway that it got rescheduled. You have time for your skin to calm down, and I'll bet you will feel even more at ease when the e-pics day finally arrives! :)

  7. Can we say stressful!!! It will work out...this will just give you more time to get everything in order. (Not that you needed it but you get my drift. ;)

  8. Scarlett does ROCK!! She did one of my friend's weddings in Jacksonville. LOVE her... wish she was less expensive though. :/
