Monday, June 22, 2009

The Rehearsal Outfit

I know we still have 9 more months until our wedding but I have been thinking a lot lately about what I might wear to our rehearsal & dinner. I love the cute cocktail dresses that most brides wear but I am so not a dress girl as I mentioned when I was trying to find e-pic outfits. Don't get me wrong I love to dress up, but dresses are just not for me. The other factor that I have to take in is that our wedding is taking place in March which is kind of hit or miss here in VA because it could be warm one day and snowing two feet the next so its like playing Russian roulette. I think a nice dressy white shirt and some charcoal dress pants would be very cute and so up my ally! Not to mention I could wear it again to work. So what do you think of this? Or do you have any other suggestions?


  1. wear what you're comfortable in! it doesn't have to be a dress :)

  2. In my opinion you should wear whatever you feel like. Like Christin said there are plenty of other options out there that aren't dresses. All of these white tops are adorable and even better re-wearable!

  3. Thats a great idea for you if thats what youre comfortable in! I know white house/black market has way cute stuff too :)

  4. Definitely do what's most comfortable for you. I'm a jeans and pump kinda girl, so it may just be that for me ;)

  5. I really like the selection so far:)

  6. You should definitely wear what you are most comfortable in! It is your rehearsal!! And I like the tops you have selected so far!

  7. You don't have to wear dress if you don't feel confortable. Those shirts are really nice and I am sure a dressy nice shirt with a charcoal dress pants will look just as nice.


  8. I really like the 3rd option best. Very chic & stylish, yet classy and simple - I love that look. I think you would pull that one off great with the gray slacks and some cute accessories :) (4th shirt is my 2nd fave)
