Monday, August 31, 2009

6 Month Freak Out!!!!

Until this point, I have had a blast planning this wedding and was really wishing the time away, just wanting our big day to get here. I just looked at the countdown and realized that I have six months and some change until the wedding. I went into complete freak mode and had a break-down that I was not expecting. What in the world was that all about? Did anyone else experience this? I have planned so much and things are going as they should so I am not sure where all the stress is coming from? I hope its just a bump in the road that will work itself out. Share your stories of how you handled stressful times.


  1. Hey! Join the WPM Club! I am 42 days away and this weekend I felt calmer than I have in this whole process! Go figure!

    Sorry, I can't be much help here. I freak out all the time.:)

  2. it's totally just something you have to go through. it will get better. i have 12ish days left till my wedding and i'm feeling good.

  3. Hope you're ok! :) That's very exciting.. you're almost there!

  4. 6 Months! How exciting!! I had many freak outs, hon. You will be a rollercoaster of emotions as the big day draws closer. My advice: don't forget to take care of yourself. Balance the planning/tasks between you, your FI, and anyone else willing to help. And try and not take stress out on each other. You will be fine! Enjoy this only happens once!

  5. I found that it came and went in ebbs and flows. I'd be more stressed at times and then easy going again. At the end I was very very stressed, which I kind of regret. Yoga! I wish I'd done more of it to destress myself, give it a whirl!

  6. If everything is going as planned, dont stress yourself. You are blessed to have a havoc free wedding. I personally went thru BS 2 wks before the wedding with my dresses, bridesmaids and planner. Cussing always got me through those times. Just smile, you still have time.
