Wednesday, August 19, 2009

And the {{{Winner}}} is...

I would first like to give a HUGE thanks to all my lovely readers, without you guys I wouldn't be having as much fun planning this wedding as I am now!

Next, thanks to all the sweet ladies that entered the contest. The decision was very hard for the "Dream Committee," because you guys have some of the sweetest men in your lives, be thankful. After 9 votes from the "Dream Committee" the winner of the gorgeous birdcage veil and beautiful flower fascinator is::::
{{{Ms. Chouette}}}

Congratulations Pasma!!! Please email me mydreamring{at}yahoo{dot}com. Again thanks to everyone who entered. We will have more contests coming up soon so be sure to come back and enter.

**Thanks to Beth, Patti, Fredy, Sophie, Kevin, Cindy, Kianna & and my sweet fiancé Steven for helping me make this really hard decision, love you guys!!!


  1. Yea for her! Awesome of you to host this giveaway. Have a good rest of the week.

  2. OH woah! It's me. I screamed so loudly in the office people thought something happened to me. Thank you thank you thank you!

  3. What a lucky winner!!! Congratulations Pasma!
