Wednesday, August 12, 2009

{{GIVEAWAY}}::Birdcage Veil & Fascinator

It's time for the BIG giveaway that I mentioned a few weeks ago. Ann-Michelle of Ann Michelle Heirlooms has been nice enough to give one very lucky reader {bride} a beautiful silk flower fascinator adorned with Swarovski® crystal beads and gold accents along with a gorgeous 7" birdcage veil. The retail value of this set is $75! The quality of her work is SUPERB and would be a great finishing touch to any brides wedding ensemble.

To enter, simply tell me the sweetest thing your future husband has ever done for you. I along with three of my co-workers who read my blog religiously, will pick a winner. One entry per person please...if your FH is very sweet he can also come on here and tell us the sweetest thing you have done for him and could possibly win you the veil! So you actually you have two chances to win. YOU MUST ALSO BECOME OR BE A FOLLOWER OF THIS BLOG. Contest closes Monday, August 17th @ 11:59pm EST. The winner will be announced Wednesday, August 19th.


  1. Beautiful veil.

    The sweetest thing my FH has done for me is last year Valentines Day: he had sushi from my fav restaurant set up and he later made me a bubble bath with rose pettals in the water.

  2. As cliche as it sounds... my proposal was the sweetest thing my fiance has ever done for me. He knew I wanted my mom's engagement ring reset and redesigned (my father passed away when I was young). Well, my mom still wore the ring on her right hand, so I was constantly checking mom's hand to see if the ring was still there--including at dinner with my family the night before our engagement! The following day, he showed up with roses, took me to lunch where we had our first date, and we went several other places that held special memories for us (I didn't suspect a thing because I knew my mom was still wearing her engagement ring, so how could he possibly propose!?). Our last stop that day was the gazebo in the town square where I grew up, and with beautiful Christmas decorations all around, he popped the question! I was so surprised and shocked because I couldn't figure out where the diamond came from. He explained to me that two months prior to the engagement, he took my mom's ring to the jeweler, had a fake CZ placed in her ring, and had my ring custom made. So for the 2 months before we got engaged, my mom was wearing a fake ring just to throw me off!

    A little long... but definitely the sweetest, most thoughful, creative thing he has ever done for me. And I think he deserves to win :)

  3. So pretty!
    I am not yet engaged, but I hope I can still be considered as I'm ALMOST there and would really love to win this! The sweetest thing my FF has done for me is write me love songs on his guitar. He loves to play the guitar and sing to me which I think is very romantic!

  4. The sweetest thing my fiancee did is what he does every morning. He wakes up super early, at 6 am, and even thugh he tries hard not to wake me, he does anyway. I believe it's a lost cause. :(

    He whispers me "good morning" and kisses me softly even when I have morning breath. If he has time to spare he goes back into bed and just cuddles me. And right before he leaves he tucks me in and whispers the same thing we say to each other every day. "Hunny I love you."

    I asked him the other day why he does this and he smiled his quirky smile and said "I can't start my day if I didn't." I'm thinking it's not OCD and kiss him again... Trust me, it's not. :)

  5. For our first anniversary, my FH wrote me a 12 page letter detailing how he fell in love with me and promising me that he's all-in the relationship. It still makes me sniffle to read it today.

  6. There is so many things that he does for me on a daily basis, that it's so hard to pick just one. He writes me love letters, asked my step-father for my hand in marriage, wakes up half hour before I do so that I can sleep in while he makes me a lunch, etc. There is one that does stick out in my mind the most was when one night he called me on the phone, and he told me to go outside. I was really confused because he had woken me up after a really long day of work (and he knew I would be sleeping. I was also a little grumpy. He was standing on my front porch holing something. He made it himself, it was a piece of tile about 6"x6" with wooden chopsticks glued vertically in each corner. He had stretched a piece of Saran wrap around the sticks so it made a clear box. Then, he had colored a globe on the Saran wrap. Inside, there was a little white candle. I was totally confused, and he just hands it to me and says "You light up my world". Needless to say my grumpiness and sleepiness surpassed, and in came the flood of tears (of joy)! He is one of the sweetest people I have ever met.

  7. First off... I gotta say that FI is a "macho" former marine type guy. So the fact that he did this--- speaks millions! He knows I have thing for the song "At Last" by Etta James, as pretty much every other girl does. So he tried to learn the song and sing it to me. Except we butchered up all the versus and mixed them all together- and it made it extra cute and funny! Now he sings his version to me all the time! "At lassssstt, my love has come along, my heart is wrapped in clovers, and the skies above are blue." Not only was it a sweet attempt- but makes me laugh every time! which laughter is pretty much the basis of our relationship!

    That-- and he went to a VERY girly concert(one of my favorite bands) with me cuz none of my girl friends could go-- and he didnt want me to go alone or miss out!

  8. The sweetest thing that my fiance has done for me was to allow me to pick the date of our wedding. I know that it doesn't seem like much, but we are getting married to the day of the first anniversary of the passing of my father in Sept 2008. I picked this day to honor my dear father who will not be there to walk me down the aisle, provide his permission for marriage, or to dance with me one last time. But we know that he will be there in spirit and we plan on incorporating bits of yellow throughout the wedding in strategic places as it was his favorite color.

    I would love to win the birdcage veil and fascinator as I think that it would help to complete my overall look for the first dance. Since I will not be able to have a father/daughter dance with my father, I want my very first dance with my husband to be as special as it can be! I think that the bird cage veil will help me do that.

    Thank you for your consideration!

  9. My fiance is truly the most wonderful person in the world. I'm graduating college this semester and as all college students know, finals are rough.

    He stayed by my side and brought me coffee, dinner, and anything my heart desired as well as handling all wedding issues that came about. When the photographer called, he knew that I couldn't handle that stress and did it all himself.

    When I passed all my finals, he took me to dinner and told me just how proud he was of his girlfriend, and his future wife.

  10. MY FH knows how to do these crazy corny things that make me roll my eyes but are so terribly sweet but my absolute favorite was a complete surprise.
    Back in March I was preparing to take a temporary 4 month assignment 2000 miles away. We already live 500 miles from each other so we don't get to see each other all the time. Well before I left, I really wanted to see him since it would be so long. And I kept asking him to meet me at the airport (which was halfway between where we live) but he kept telling me he couldn't talk the time off work. I was really disappointed but didn't want to get upset over it.
    Well my grandparents decided to meet me in said town the day before to go to sea world together... lol... so there I am standing at the entrance of sea world waiting for them to pull up and drop my handicap grandma off. Their van pulls up, and the back door opens, not reveal my grandma but my FH... I was so shocked I couldn't even say a word...
    I love this veil and I would absolutely adore wearing it down the aisle to my incredibly sweet honey.

  11. Hello lover.
    Beautiful veil, exactly what i am looking for. HAHAHAA

    There are so many things i could post about. Love letters, cheesy dinners made, etc.

    But i have to post about the moment i knew he was "the one."
    Mr. Steve is a typical guys guy. Always wanting us to party and hang out with our friends.
    For almost everyone we know New Years eve is a time to celebrate which means getting dressed up, eleborte parties and mixers and lots of drinking.
    On new years eve 2005-2006 all of our friends as usual had big party plans. It had been a rough year for me as i moved home from college to take care of my grandmother. My mother has passed away when i was 13 and my grandfather had passed away the year before. My grandmother was old and not in the best health and i couldnt bear the thought of her living alone. Anyway new years eve came and the thought of leaving her alone was heartbreaking but i figured she would go to bed early as she usually did and wouldnt think twice about the day. It was
    my fiance who came to me and said why don't we ditch our party plans and stay home with your yaya (grandmother in greek) ps i had not even mentioned staying home with her or the fact that i was saddened by the thought of her home alone. I was shocked, though they got along very well, it was definitly not Mr. Steve's cup of tea to stay in on such an important day or spend it with an 80 year old woman who spoke mostly greek, a language he doesnt understand.
    So thats what we did. The joy on her face when we told her we were spending the evening with her still makes my heart fill up with joy to this day. The evening was filled mostly with us all snuggling on the couch watching new years events on tv, and me translating what she was saying. The two of them even opened a bottle of prolly 80 year old greek wine and toasted at midnight together. It was the moment i knew he was in it for the long hall and no matter what, he would be by my side and was willing to give up things for not only me but the people i loved.

    My grandmother is now in a nursing home and on her windowsill to this day sits a picture of a picture of the three of us we took that new years eve night.
    It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it now. Hhaha im such a sap.
    I would have to say that is the most romatic thing he has ever done. It wasnt overly romantic in the sense that there were flowers and candy and hot sex haha or a cute love poem confessing his love for me, but in that moment none of that stuff even mattered.....

  12. This is such a great giveaway for a lucky bride!! As beautiful as birdcage veils are, I have already decided to wear a fingertip veil for my wedding, so I will not be entering the contest... But i couldn't help myself and I read through all the entries and I just wanted to tell you that I think Tina's story is the sweetest! It brought a tear to my eye, warmed my heart and made me smile all at the same time. What a great guy, that Steve. I love it when my man shows that he loves me, but I love it more when he shows that he loves my family too. My family means the world to me and what he did for her is sweeter than any candle-lit dinner or flowers, in my opinion. I say VOTE FOR TINA!! Have a great day. :)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. So I didn't want to post a story because I thought I never win anything but let me AW my Fiance cause he deserves it:

    You already know he lives in London, and I in Philly, so we don't see each other often, particularly now that we are trying to save for the wedding.

    Well, I caught malaria when I was in Cameroon but it took a few days to manifest itself. I was on a trip for work in California (so I was all by myslef) and started feeling very sick... I could barely talk to tell my fiance i was admitted to the hospital. When he asked what he could do to make me feel better. I said "a kiss and a hug, but I know it's not possible right now because of the $$ for plane ticket and you have your yearly review on Monday so you can't take off work... and I don't want to contaminate you. But save that for the next time we see each other though!" (it was Thursday night)

    On Friday Night, the nurse came in my room with flowers and chocolate and I was starting to feel like I wasn't all alone after all. My fiance walked right behind her and I couldn't believe it. I lost it.

    I cried like a baby and felt like I was the luckiest girl alive. He spent the weekend by my side in the hospital, traveled back to London on Sunday, landed Monday morning, and went straight to work for his review.

    For anyone who has taken a trip from the west coast to Europe, you know that's a long trip and to take a trip like that, half-sleep in a hard chair in a hospital for 2 nights, and take that trip again... Well, let's just say I feel special!

    ::I love that man::

    PS: Although jet-laged and tired, he did well on his work yearly review :)

    PS:PS: I got my hug and my kiss (and a few more) and he didn’t get malaria:)
