Monday, September 28, 2009

Bad Blogger w/ Less than 6 Months to go!!!

Sorry I have been such a BAD BAD bride blogger but life has been beyond hectic with work, planning & sick children!! The planning has been going ok, I have just about booked and contracted everything with the exception of the catering, we just can't decide anything, but we need to because we are now LESS THAN 6 MONTHS AWAY, WHAT?!? where did the time go?? I am trying not to think about the timeline too much because when I do I get a little freaked out.

I'm a little depressed today because I can't wear my ring, I did something to my little (pinky) finger and knuckle so my hand is swollen and bruised...being the clumsy girl that I am I can't remember hurting myself (I'm guessing it's from my violent football Sunday's, all the clapping and punching things)...which happens all the time. Hopefully the swelling will go down so I can put her back on my finger!

I promise to try my best to blog more, I do have a few D.I.Y. projects I have finished and will share them really soon. Until then happy planning ladies!!


  1. Sorry about your hand! Wear your ring on your other hand! :) Congrats on being 6 months away! That's exciting! Best of luck finding a caterer!

  2. That sucks about your hand! I HATE not being able to wear my ring. Your hand feels so naked. I hope that your hand heals quickly!

    PS- BREATHE!!!! Good luck with the rest of your planning! :-)

  3. I'm so sorry about your hand and I feel ya on the no time for blogging!

  4. You're almost there! The next 6 months will fly by so fast :)
