Thursday, October 1, 2009

{{Eye Candy}} Dream Wedding Dresses!

I feel so bad that I can't show you guys my dress. I thought if I couldn't show you the real thing I would show you some of my dream dresses. If money was no object with my planning I would have purchased a dress from Priscilla of Boston. Not only do they have beautiful wedding dresses but their salons are beyond amazing and I have heard nothing but GREAT things about their customer service. Their 2009 collection has so many stunning gowns that range from mermaids to the classic a-line. There are many contributing designers that sketch and make dresses for their unique salon but my favorite designs come from the work of Melissa Sweet, her they are classic with a simple twist, love her!

If money was no object for you, who would be your dream dress designer & why?


  1. in my eyes, vineyard collection equals perfection. except that filthy price tag that would feed a small country.

  2. These dresses are gorgeous, if money was no object for me I would have a Jim Helm dress.

  3. Oh I love them all! They are gorgeous!

  4. Oh my gosh, I LOVE Priscilla of Boston and I completely fell in love with a Melissa Sweet design. Alas, their scary price tags drove me away. Far, far away!

    Don't feel bad that you can't show us your dress. We'll just have to be very patient and wait until AFTER the wedding. We don't want any nosy fiances to "accidentally" see it.

    Patrick is still trying to convince me to show him a picture of my dress on the model. His reasoning, "Don't worry, it will look different on you." haha yeah right. I ain't showing him!

  5. eye candies indeed! I love love love the first dress! Need to start dress shopping

    Can't wait to see what your dress actually looks like.

  6. P.S. - Just saw your post on PW of your first fitting!!!! CONGRATS you look stunning!!

  7. In a perfect world....

    Those are simply divine. The price tag is enough to make me want to run and hide, but they sure are stunning.

  8. I just found your blog and I love it... Hope you don't mind if I follow along! I have a little baby girl at home and I love love love hearing about fun weddings and all the planning!

    I had a Vera Wang dress and it was TRULY my dream dress! There are some photos on my blog that you can look at... Can't wait to see you in yours!

  9. I still have not found my "dream" dress, but the dresses that I do like tend to be by Priscilla of Boston & Jim Hjelm - both out of my price range. Great dress pics!
