Saturday, November 28, 2009

I Bought My Linens!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving because I sure did, I am just now coming down off my sugar high from all the great desserts!
I have a lot of updates for you guys this week and some great news that I can't wait for you to hear (more on that later). In major wedding news...I bought my linens, I am so happy! I purchased (10) 132" rounds Chocolate Tablecloths, (3) 72x120" Chocolate Tablecloths & (115) Apple Green Napkins. I am so so so so happy that I purchased instead of renting them. They were a great price and I can definitely resell them. I spent my Sunday washing them and ironing most of my napkins to be stored flat so I won't have to worry about that the week of the wedding.

So if I have any takers, feel free to email me at mydreamring {at} They will be available for purchase after March 27th!


  1. Re-selling is a great idea! I plan on selling a lot of items from my wedding ... I just have to sort through everything once I get back to Florida

    .. or maybe you can rent them once you start your business :)

  2. Oh how wonderful. I bet you're excited to have that off your to do list :) They are going to look great.

  3. Congrats! Those are big purchases to get out of the way! And reselling is a great idea!

  4. YAY! Congrats! Your linens and napkins will look FAB!
