Monday, January 11, 2010

I Have Been a BAD BLOGGER!!!!

Sorry for being so scarce lately, but I am in the thick of finishing up our beautiful invitation that will hopefully go out this Friday so I can share them with you all next week. They have honestly been more work than I initially thought.

I do have a long story for you if you want to read about it....

You know that I wanted to do the calligraphy for each invite and I started out doing that but felt overwhelmed so I nixed it. I then commenced to creating the really pretty wrap-around labels. On night one of trying to create the labels my computer decided that it wanted to crash, I freaked out to say the least because I had not backed up pictures or documents in such a long time. I called our IT guy from work (who is just a saint and is so sweet!!), he calmed me down and told me to bring my laptop to work the next morning. Initially he fixed whatever was wrong with my computer, and I backed up everything from my wedding flash drive to my work computer because I was paranoid about losing all my work. The next night the computer is working fine I spent 4 hours creating my labels and plugging in each address, at the end of doing all of that I took my computer and plugged the printer up to it to do a test print. I went to open my label and guess what "file could not be found!" WHAT!?!? I looked at my flash drive and it was not blinking like it should have been, to make a longer story short, I lost everything and the flash drive was FRIED!! Thank goodness I backed everything up on my work computer that day. But it did not save what I had just spent 4 hours creating. I just took it as a sign that I am meant to hand address those envelopes and I am happy to report that I am halfway done and I will probably have carpel tunnel by the end of the week but I couldn't be any happier with the results! I can't wait to share them with you guys.
Here are the labels I was working on, mine had a different design:



  1. Oh bummer about your computer loosing some stuff. I think hand addressing is the way to go though :) You had pretty handwriting :) Looking forward to seeing the end result!

  2. OMG! Thank goodness for the files at work. I would've gone nuts if that happened to me! You're a solider! The labels look great!

  3. Can't wait to see your invites!

  4. You have a blog award....
