Wednesday, January 20, 2010

They're Off...Invites are in the Mail!

So today was a GREAT day! I finally put the invites in the mail!!!!! I am so excited and happy that they are finally finished and headed to our lovely guests! Oh what a headache they were, but it was all worth it because they turned out BEAUTIFUL and just the way I wanted them. I love that the post office offered a $.61 cent wedding stamp it saved me about $20, so woohoo to that.

{Wedding Stamp}

{RSVP Stamp}

{Stopped at a stop sign in from of the Post Office, so happy! Sorry about the bad cell phone pictures!}

{My precious cargo}

{There they go.....} {Our Invitation to Mr. President}



  1. ...looking beautiful Jeana...and your invites too, lol. Great job on the calligraphy. I hated doing my invites - so much work - but I loved them in the end.

    Invites are out and the wedding will be here in a flash!

    Hope you're having a great week!

  2. Ooooh I can't wait to see more!! Congrats on getting those out :)

  3. WOO HOO!!! From what I can see, they look beautiful. It must feel like a weight has been lifted! Congratulations :)

  4. hooray for sending out your invites! the details look great, love the green rhinestone and the calligraphy. we sent our invites to the president and were so happy when we received a note back :)

  5. Aw, yey! So exciting! I love that you put them in a VS bag the "give me sexy" ...duh invites are sexy! Made me laugh :)

  6. Girl, why must you tease us. I want to see the whole shabang! :p I'm sure you feel really good having your invites out and ready to jot down some RSVP's!! eeeeek! So excited for you.

  7. Thanks ladies!

    @Jin: Thanks for the nice comments, you are too sweet!

    @Jaryce: You are too funny! You know I have to teas a bit...I will post the entire invitation suite on Monday, I promise!

  8. LOVE the calligraphy. Hope the president can make it!

  9. I also forgot to mention in my comment that the calligraphy turned out great! :)

  10. YAY! That is so exciting! You are getting so so close! And I love how you took pictures of the whole "dropping off" process. :)

  11. Your envelopes look great! I cannot wait to see how your invites turned out! I am sure they are gorgeous!

    I love that you photographed the dropping off process. I did not do this and regret it!

  12. wow, I'm totally amazed at your envelopes! soo pretty! Can't wait to see the rest!

  13. Looking great! The stamps are beautiful too! Nice choices!

  14. I like those! We're going with chocolate brown envelopes as well. Been going back and forth between a gold pen and a silver one...I like your silver though. Hmmmm....

  15. So exciting!! Now those RSVP's are going to start pouring in. The RSVP from Michelle, Barack and the girls will likely be first ;-)

  16. I'm so happy for you, congrats. I have the exact same stamps.

  17. YAY!! They look awesome! I'm so excited for you, you're soooo close! :)
