Tuesday, February 23, 2010

BUSY Wedding Week!!

Hey all!! Please excuse the lack of posts this week but I have a very busy week ahead of me. We are now just 32 days away from our big day and there is lots to be done! On the schedule for this week:
  • Monday (yesterday):: Buy 3 plastic storage containers to hold all of my wedding items
  • Tuesday:: Go to DB (during lunch break) to pick up my youngest daughters dress, Dress fitting with the bridal party at 5:00pm
  • Wednesday:: Hair consultation & Work Bridal Shower (WOOT, these ladies are so sweet for doing this for me)
  • Thursday:: Nothing booked so far....
  • Friday:: Get marriage license, last visit with florist (drop off all vases) & pay remaining balance, pay remaining balance on venue.
I am feeling just a bit overwhelmed but I know the end product will be all worth it!


  1. So excited for you! You are busy busy! :) I say on Thursday you and the fiance have a date night and relax!

  2. So close! Take it a day at a time and get some time to yourselves in there too whenever possible

  3. Holy cow! Only 32 days left! You are sooo close. I am very excited for you!

  4. I was just saying to myself that I hadn't seen any posts from you lately. Well way to go, good luck with all your projects.

  5. OMG! It can't be 32 days away? Are you kidding me? OMG! eeeek! Somewhere in that busy schedule, make sure to make some time for beauty sleep! =)

    Have a crazy fun week!!
