Wednesday, April 21, 2010

{{RECAPS}} Bride/Groom Shots (Pic Heavy)

These pictures are some of my favorites because its right before I see Mr. A for the first time. I had butterflies like crazy and just tried my best to keep it together. The moment when I walked out on the terrace and could see the back of him I almost lost it, he was so handsome and I have not seen him dressed up like that since our prom in 2000. I didn't cry and neither did he, we were both just genuinely happy to see each other. I was giddy like a school girl, you can tell in the pictures :).


{Pre-Ceremony Pictures}

{My Hubby}

I have so many pictures to share, hang in there ya'll....more Bride & Groom shots coming tomorrow!


  1. awww, so cute, you two! i love that kissing shot, so romantic!

  2. I love seeing people in love. Again, you looked totally amazing. Love those portraits

    PS: Thanks again for the veil. I have been struggling on how to wear it. Now that I see it on someone else, I get it. LOL!

  3. Those are gorgeous! I love all of the candles on the mantle and in the fireplace - SO romantic!

  4. Absolutely beautiful pictures! You look gorgeous and love the pic with all the lit candles behind you!

    Loving your recaps

  5. wow. every single one of these pictures are amazing! You made a beautiful bride =)

  6. Aww Jeana, you are so gorgeous!! I love your dress, your hair, your makeup... everything! You just looked perfect on your wedding day. And what beautiful photos!

  7. Aw, I love looking at your pictures! You both looked so great!

  8. sooo gorgeous!!! you looked amazing and your DH was so handsome too! such great pictures! congrats!

  9. hooray for doing a first look! your veil is fab and you both look amazing!

  10. Such a beautiful bride. You look stunning. Love your dress!

  11. You were a beautiful bride. I love the pictures. I don't think I am going to do a first look though I haven't completely decided yet.

  12. congratulations! your wedding looks like it was beautiful!

  13. Every single picture is amazing. You look so gorgeous! Such a good-looking couple :)
