Tuesday, May 4, 2010

{{RECAPS}} The Ceremony w/ Pictures

Ok so last week was kind of hectic with my new job starting and a new schedule. I was so extremely exhausted and overwhelmed but I feel confident that I will LOVE this job once the training and "newness" wears off. Thanks to my devoted followers (you know who you are) for checking on me and encouraging me :)

So on to the rest of the wedding recaps....these will be funny so enjoy!

Like I mentioned earlier, I didn't cry at all during the entire process, I was just genuinely happy and excited to marry my best friend. Everything had gone picture perfect all day and we were pretty much on schedule and had a spare 40 minutes or more and we decided it was a great time to exchange gifts.

Let me start by saying that I have the best hubby in the world, he is so thoughtful and really takes notes but keeps his cool and keeps quiet 9acts like he doesn't listen, but he takes mental notes)....I kept trying to get him to tell me what my gift was but he held his ground and was tight lipped. I even tried peaking and got nowhere ;)

So here they are ladies, my hubby got me a pair of Christian Louboutin Very Prive's, as you can see by the look on my face, I had no idea. They are a badass pair of shoes :) **Ok so now on to the shocker.....I didn't keep them! I know you're thinking WTF? Well here's the issue, I have very flat and very wide feet and those shoes are NOT made for either. They were very uncomfortable and I refused to keep a pair of $800 shoes just to say I had a pair. So I traded them for an iPad, yes I did and I don't regret it not for one second. That thing is freakin awesome!

I felt bad because I only got him an IPod touch, lol.....but he loved/loves it! So I can't complain.

Ok so on to the ceremony:
It was a beautiful ceremony with a couple of exceptions. My uncle, keep that in mind as you read *uncle* was our preacher. Bless his heart from the rehearsal I just knew it was going to be a mess because he just couldn't grasp the concept of a hand ceremony and kept messing up on the regular vows. I thought that wedding day as going to be so different, but guess what, it WAS NOT. Not only did he fumble around his book looking for the vows and mispronounced some of the words in the hand ceremony but he called me "Regina" not once, not twice but all three times. My name is clearly not Regina but its something pretty close. Now I would expect this from a stranger, but geez he is my uncle. Normally I would have been pissed to say the least but all I could do was correct him and laugh. It took all I had not to burst out and laugh very loud...the people on my side of the room saw me laughing and turning my head and they all lost it was well. It was a great moment and they were so proud of me for not yelling and turning into a bridezilla. It was a tough pill to swallow at the time and kind of embarrassing, but looking back on it, its funny as hell and I wouldn't change a thing.


  1. Aw, what a great recap! I love all the pictures and how funny your uncle kept messing up your name! I'm glad you went with it though!

  2. AAAAHHHHH! You DH is the best! I can't believe he got you Christain L shoes! What a lucky gal! But i totally agree with you and you decision with the iPad! Once again, you lucky gal!! ;)

  3. Those shoes are awesome!!!! But I understand you having to trade them... and the Ipad is not a bad gift at all :-).
    Wish you all the best with your new job!


  4. Hubby did good!! Very good! Love all the pics.

  5. Great job on keeping your cool and rolling with it about your name. I may not have been that understanding.

  6. you two did wonderfully with presents :) and you look beautiful going down the aisle!

  7. Your DH is the best!!! He knows a woman's heart, lol. But no need to waste a gorgeous pair of shoes and put them in the closet if you can't wear it! Hope you're having a blast using your IPad!

    Congrats again on your new job!

    p.s. i finally changed my name yesterday! :)
