Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Alex Wong + Dance= AMAZING!!!

I just have to share this....I love TV, just ask my husband. I fill up our DVR with shows from Jersey Shore (yeah I know, but I love the fights and I laugh my ass off) to Grey's Anatomy. But one of my favorites is SO You Think You Can Dance or SYTYCD for short and this season has been crazy AMAZING!
My favorite dancer for sure is Alex Wong, his genre is ballet but he drew hip-hop out the hat and had to dance it with one of the best hip-hop dancers in the business he seemed so nervous, I was nervous for him. Well the routine choreographed by Nappy-Tabs (Tabitha & Napoleon) began and I honestly wasn't expecting anything great...well Mr. Alex freakin' killed it! He held his own and I found myself standing on my bed jumping up and dawn yelling "Oh My Gawd" my daughters looked at me like I was crazy and then joined in. That has to be one of the best routines I have seen in such a long time. TEAM ALEX baby!

Are any of you ladies TV junkies? If so did you watch last night or what are some of your favorites show?


  1. I just finished watching that and OMG Alex was amazing! I liked him before but now I totally adore him. So awesome!!!

  2. Alex is also a fave of mine... and bonus that he's Canadian. He KILLED it tonight - we were hootin' and hollerin' like banshees when he was hitting it with Twitch. Awesome.

  3. i am going to have to you tube this. the way you sound i sooo want to see it!!! :)

  4. He was so good last night with Twitch, great performance!

  5. I really need to look this up, sounds fantastic! Absolutely adorable blog you have btw, I'm a happy new follower! xoxo Have a great day!
