Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I had to share this!!!

First of all its been way too long right? I hope you all are doing well and I miss you guys!! Oh and Merry Christmas!!! I have been so busy with weddings, graphic design and other projects (including my new local blog Star City Weddings). I had to stop in and say HELLO and share this cute little project that I did for my daughters teachers. They are glass ornaments filled with vintage book page pieces. They were so easy to make and I had a blast doing them. I really hope their teachers appreciate them.


  1. oooh i love it! i know their teachers would absolutely love it!

    so nice to hear from you ... hope all is well and Merry Christmas!!

  2. Great post, I'm loving the ornament. I actually just posted about using Christmas Ornaments as wedding favors! Check out the post here:

  3. omg... i HAVE to do this next year. Could you give us step-by-step instructions? =)

  4. Thanks you guys and yes Jaryce! Anything for you girl!
