Monday, December 20, 2010

I Quit Facebook!

Yep I said it! I quit Facebook...I was always on there and for what reason? To see whats on peoples minds? No to simply be nosey and share my life with some people I barely knew. I had photos of my wedding, my babies and everything else in between. I found myself constantly checking my Facebook to see if someone replied to my status update, sent me a message or tagged me in a photo. It became all too much and I just thought "what the hell am I doing and why?" I had my phone attached to me at all times so I could pop on Facebook every 5 minutes, I had it at dinner, I took it in the bathroom, and I confess I checked it at stoplights while driving. Not only that but article after article keeps popping up about Facebook and how they care nothing about your privacy and I decided it was enough and just said forget it! So if you were my friend on Facebook and you want to keep in touch, I'll be here or hit me on my cell phone.

{Photo Credit}


  1. More and more often recently I find myself considering doing that same thing! Hope you and your family have a fabulous holiday season!!

  2. LOL! I try not to be such a Facebook fanatic. But I certainly know folks who are!
    Happy Holidays!

  3. I've thought about that myself. I keep wondering what is the point? I have some family that I keep up with, but other than that I am with you.

  4. i find twitter to be even worse! i'm done with FB but keep a page for my business.

    she said yes!

  5. i was big into FB when i was in college ... when you actually had to have a college email address in order to join.

    it's changed so much that i hardly check it anymore ... it's a wonder i still have an account!

  6. I hear ya! I've been on FB for about 6 years now and I'm over it. Why do I need to know what everyone is doing/thinking every 5 seconds? But it's hard when you can access FB on your cell phone... it almost becomes second nature!

  7. Good for you! I quit FB because it was my crack and, like you, I was checking it an embarrassing amount of times during the course of a day. For me, it was a great decision, and I don't regret it at all!

    The first few weeks are tough because you are in FB detox (hahaha), but it gets easier! :)

  8. You are such an inspiration to step up and actually cut it out of your life. I need to follow suit. It's becoming ridiculous how much everything is revolving around facebook and twitter. No one ever talks to anyone anymore.
