Will I become a City Girl???
>> Wednesday, July 14, 2010
My hubby has been looking for a job for more than a year and half now with no such luck and we are both really frustrated. He's working on his Masters Degree and is the most articulate person I know, but the job market in our area sucks. As much as we love our families and love having their support we just think that we need to search other options. Those options include possibly moving to Washington, DC or Charlotte, NC. As much as I love visiting both of these places and have a hard time leaving when we do, I'm not sure how living there will be. I'm a country girl and have been all my life and possibly leaving it makes me very sad.
S and I have both been looking for jobs in these areas and I actually heard back from one company which made the entire process so real! Relocating with our girlie's will be a task because they LOVE their grandparents, their aunt and their cousins. I feel somewhat selfish for uprooting them like this but I know it will be for our own good. So if S can get a job in either of these cities we will be on our way. Keep your fingers crossed for us :)

DC.IS.AWESOME. Seriously, I've lived here for a little over a month and I've already vowed to never ever ever ever leave. I live right outside the city in Bethesda, MD which is a small (50,000 person) suburb of the city. But I wouldn't really classify it as a "suburb" because it doesn't have that feel at all. However, if you want to ease into city living there are definitely areas around here that will let you do that. Actually, Columbia, MD just landed at #2 on Money Magazine's best places in the US to live. This was based on community, unemployment rate, etc. If you're interested in talking about the area feel free to email me eaquail (at) gmail (dot) com. Good luck in your search!
Oh, I would much rather live in Charlotte than DC. Especially with the cost of living. Good luck! I hope things work out well for you. And don't worry I'm sure the girls will adjust.
Good luck! If he gets a job in one of those places, you could always consider living in the outskirts so you aren't smack in the middle of things.
Fingers crossed for you! Good luck!
I love being a city girl, but if I have children, I think I would give lots of thoughts too. All the best for you and family!
I can relate to this because we are also considering a move to WA state from our souther California home. I find myself with out a job yet again and Im finally ready to look elsewhere. I think you have to make peace with the idea of a move before you can venture out. I wasn't ready in the past and i couldn't bare the thought of leaving our family and lifetime friends, but our family's well-being needs to trump all that. Good luck to you and your family.
crossing my fingers for you and the hubby. you would love Washington DC!
I'm praying for your family!
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